Noesis wooden floors are selected and classified according to the European norm UNI-EN 13489 and apply the provisions of the “free class”. All products are strictly Italian and provide the possibility of be hand-processed in the following versions: 1° GRADE | 2° GRADE | 3° GRADE and UNICA RUSTIC GRADE.
Straight or deviated grain and wavy flame. Possible color tone differences. Presence of small knots or sets of knots with diameters up to a maximum of 10 mm.
Straight, deviated grain and wavy flame. Presence of sound knots or sets
of knots or suitably filled knots with diameters up to a maximum of 40 mm. Possible color tone differences. Possible presence of small cracks or suitably filled cracks.
Straight or deviated grain and wavy flame with no limits. Marked color tone differences. Presence of suitably filled knots or sets of knots with diameters greater then 40 mm. Possible presence of opened or filled cracks.
Possible marks of sound sapwood or heartwood. Biological alteration not admitted, except for black holes of wood boring insects.
Possible presence of small chipping
Marked color tone differences. Presence of suitably filled knots or sets
of knots with diameters greater then 40 mm. Possible presence of opened or filled cracks. Possible marks of sound sapwood or heartwood. Biological alteration not admitted, except for black holes of wood boring insects. Possible presence of small chipping.
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